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The Devil’s Joy or Things Church Folk Do That Make the Devil Smile

Writer's picture: Michael JakesMichael Jakes

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11

And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. 2 Timothy 2:26

As Christians, we have a common enemy. Scripture tells us plainly that like a roaring lion, he walks around seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8). Because of this, we need to be vigilant. He will use every tactic in his arsenal that he is allowed to use against us. He will take every opportunity that he is given to halt, slow down, and frustrate the child of God and the work of God. Christians know this, and most will agree to each of these statements. So then how is it that the enemy seems to be making such headway in today’s church? With false teaching running rampant, entertainment taking the place of the Spirit of God and leaders opting for psychology over solid biblical counseling and guidance, it is no wonder things are the way they are. It’s as if anything goes nowadays. Slap a ‘Christian’ label on it and all of a sudden it’s Christian. It doesn’t work that way. What we don’t want to ever do is play into the enemy’s hands. We ought to be doing what the devil hates. Do things that frustrate him. Resist him and he will flee…(James 4:7). We ought to be becoming educated Christians so that the enemy does not so easily deceive us. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ…(2 Peter 3:18). Sometimes I think the devil just stands back, with arms folded and a big smile on his face when he sees some of the things God’s people do. Sort of a measure of joy. Now I realize that in actuality this is not the case. I know that in actuality there is war taking place in the heavenlies; yet I do believe he is happy when we veer off and do things we should not.

Some may not agree with the following list I have compiled. Some may be offended. That is not my intent, but it’s where I am and what I see. I believe the devil smiles:


-when Christians substitute gimmicks for the Spirit of God.

-when Christians believe that there is actually a such thing as Christian rap, rock or hip hop.

-when we go to church to be entertained, rather than to hear the Word of God.

-when Christians do nothing but dance and shout during praise and worship-then sleep when the Word goes out.

-when saints leave church ‘blessed’ because they ‘had church’-but actually leave unchanged.

-when our dance is in step with the music in the church-but our lives are not in step with the Spirit outside the church.

-when saints believe that prayer shawls are necessary and actually serve a purpose.

-when leaders continue to schedule revivals rather than seek His face for a God given, heaven sent one.

-when no altar call is given-and the unsaved remain that way.

-when false teaching goes out from the pulpit-and is embraced.

-when folk are baptized-without the benefit of being saved first.

-when we think that the louder we shout, we will scare the devil away.

-when the music gets louder and louder, the beat gets faster and faster-and the Holy Ghost moves further and further away.

-when saints believe that the Holy Ghost ‘shows up and shows out.’

-when flesh and pure emotion replace the moving of the Holy Ghost-and saints don’t even know that He has left the building.

That’s it. You’re probably wondering, ‘What has gotten into this guy’s craw?’ Not a thing. I’ve just seen so very much and heard so very much. I just want what is real. That should be what we all want. God has given us discernment. Seek the Lord and ask Him to show you truth. I don’t want a popcorn Christianity or a rollercoaster Christianity. Christianity was meant to be lived in victory. That victory is found at the foot of the cross. Christians walk around daily in bondage to some thing or another and all we do to combat it when we get to church is jump, sweat, and try to shout it out. The devil doesn’t care if you shout and jump. But if I only whisper the name of Jesus in faith, the devil will not be able to stand! None of those peripheral things will give me victory. Things like jumping, shouting, running, chanting, waving banners or flowers (that’s what I said-I’ve seen it), make us feel good and they will make you tired, but they won’t make you victorious. All of these things (except the flowers of course), may have their place in a service that is led and directed by the Spirit of God. But even then, remember that the Spirit of God is not going to go outside of the parameters of His Word to do something that you think He is saying. I must be careful to operate within the framework of scripture, because when I step outside of His Word, I am operating out of self and flesh. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.(Romans 8:8)  

The fact is that when we get away from the Word of God and the Spirit of God, things just get silly. Lord, draw me close and keep me close through the power of your cross. Amen.

That’s the Word! Take it with you. God bless you.

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